For our customer, the worldwide leading solutions supplier for sophisticated conveying and highly dynamic picking systems, we search to the best conditions for a Senior Global Engineer - Mechanics (m/f).

Senior Global Engineer - Mechanics (m/w/d)

Ihr Aufgabengebiet

  • Allocation and monitoring of work packages on hourly basis
  • Responsibility for quality, costs and schedules
  • Managing of projects (in field of expertise) with the assistance of international engineers
  • Transfer of know-how (senior project and project engineers, in international context)
  • Intensive communication with international SSI engineers
  • Identification and implementation of process, system and communication optimizations

Ihre Qualifikationen

  • Higher technical education in the field of mechanical engineering, automation technology, mechatronics or similar
  • Minimum 3 years of engineering experience in the intralogistics field (bin & carton conveyors)
  • Interest in the development of young engineers
  • Interest in getting to know different countries and cultures
  • Good knowledge of English
  • Independent, precise and structured work method
  • High willingness to travel

Wir Bieten Ihnen

We offer you long-term perspectives in an international and multicultural context, the responsibility within interesting and challenging projects and the opportunity to become a specialist in complex warehouse systems. Furthermore we offer you the opportunities in specialized fields and project implementation, and to advance to managerial positions. You have the possibility to participate in various events and sports activities allowing you to get to know your colleagues and much more. This position comes with an initial monthly salary of min. € 2.500,-- on full-time basis. The actual salary will be calculated based on prior employment periods, qualification, work experience and collective contract.

Arbeitszeit: 38,5h/Woche
Dienstort: Graz

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung

Graz Integer Personalmanagement GmbH
Bahnhofgürtel 59 8020 Graz
+43 316 / 720 580
oder Sämtliche Bezeichnungen richten sich an alle Geschlechter.
Persönliche Termine nur nach telefonischer Vereinbarung.

Online Bewerbung

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